Seasonal Diary

Sneeze, Sneeze, Sneeze

(June 24, 2015)

Lots of fun in the pollen for the last week or so.  The wheat and the trees are the main culprits, but Boy, do they look gorgeous.  More spraying, more clearing out sheds, more physio for the farmer who has badly dislocated his shoulder, and torn supporting muscles.  An operation is due to try and give him back enough strength to at least lift the kettle.  Clearing out the grain dryer, dispatching squirrels and mice from various places as we gear up for harvest.  Very busy in the Holiday Cottage with several 'returners' back at a different time of the year.  The 2 barn owls continue to delight.  Our main man has been mowing between the newly planted trees at the top of the Rough Meadow, near Burrough Hill.Paddy mow Rough

Lots of paperwork for various projects.  Lots of homemade cookies eaten by a) Pensions Adviser, b) Annual Valuer, c) Accountant,  d) Cottage arrivals........... such is the  life of the Farmer's Wife!

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