Seasonal Diary

Nightjars in Leicestershire

(September 03, 2015)


Last summer just before dawn a bird flew into our window.  We expected to see a dead blackbird, but it was a NIGHTJAR.  Rare in Leicestershire, we contacted the Leicestershire & Rutland Trust for Nature Conservation, who in turn contacted the Natural History dept of Leicester Museum.  With the Nightjar in the freezer, we awaited their visit to collect the dead bird.  All very interesting.  It would be examined, and funds permitting, it will be preserved and exhibited one day.

This summer, a visitor to Moscow Farm Holiday Cottage reported a sound at dusk as a 'sort of digital sound, occasionaly dipping in pitch'.  They did their own research and came up with the same bird.  A Nightjar.    This prompts me to get in touch with the Museum and see what progress has been made.  It is a great shame that the bird was killed by flying into our window, but good in a way........... that we know we have Nightjars at Moscow Farm.

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